
Inspired by this Chrome Dino Game, we want to make an interactive game with Arduino and p5js. We will show the interface of the game with p5, and make the input pressure so that users can play with it physically by jumping and ducking.


System Diagram

                                                                           Schematic diagram

                                                                       Schematic diagram



Players will stand on a rug on a pressure sensor. They have to jump and duck to avoid obstacles showing on the screen. Arduino will receive data from the sensor and send it to p5.js which will display the movements of the players by a dinosaur.

When they fail(the dinosaur controlled by players hits an obstacle), p5 will send data to arduino to stop the program and get ready to restart.

                                     Flow Chart

                                 Flow Chart



11.30 playtesting

12.7 final user testing

12.14 final presentation